Click on any of the pictures below to view full resolution
Contributed by: LTJG Nefczyk
Captain's Quarters aboard the USS Constitution
Contributed by: LTJG Nefczyk
Description of the tenon
Contributed by: LTJG Nefczyk
LTJG Nefczyk standing next to a cannon
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
Alfa company aboard the USS Constitution
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
Boston Skyline from the Constitution museum
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
Bravo company aboard the USS Constitution
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
Cannons below deck on the USS Constitution
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
ENS Christopherson and ENS Troyan in front of the USS Constitution
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
ENS Christopherson and ENS Troyan in the captain's quarters on the USS Constitution
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
Our national ensign flying high above the USS Constitution
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
The 'hub' below deck used to turn the mast
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
Lt Feahy below deck
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
Looking up at the mast from below
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
OIS Class 04010 battalion in front of the USS Constitution
Contributed by: ENS Porcelli
Alfa company aboard the USS Constitution
Contributed by: ENS Porcelli
OIS class 04010 battalion in front of the USS Constitution
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
Some priors in front of the USS Constitution
Contributed by: ENS Troyan
Lined up aboard the USS Constitution